The DEEP-X system is based on a team of collaborating Javelin AUVs. Our innovative AUV design is far smaller and therefore far less expensive than any other vehicle capable of performing meaningful survey missions at 4,000 m depth. Remarkably, the Javelin AUV can be fabricated at a total cost of $130,762, including bathymetric sonar and all professional fabrication services (e.g., foam fabrication, machine shop, etc.), but excluding student labor. This cost includes all components and sensors, all professional fabrication costs (metal components, foam, and plastic).
Length: 2.92 m (115 inches)
Displacement: 139 kg (307 lbs)
Diameter: 33.0 cm (13 inches)
Endurance: 100 nm @ 3.7 knots + 24 hours @ 4 knots
Depth: 4000 m (1.5 factor of safety)
Communications: 900MHz RF modem, Wi-Fi, WHOI Micromodem acoustic modem, Iridium SBD satellite radio
Navigation: Cooperative acoustic ranging + terrain-aiding + feature-aiding
Mission sensor: PingDSP 3D sidescan sonar (bathymetric sonar)
Obstacle avoidance: Single-beam sonar (forward-facing narrow-beam acoustic altimeter)