Stefano Brizzolara
Crofton Faculty Fellow
Center for Marine Autonomy and Robotics, Co-director
Kevin T. Crofton Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Ph.D., Navel Architecture, University Federico II, Naples, Italy, 2000
B.S. and M.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Genoa, Italy, 1994
Selected Honorifics and Awards
2021 Chair of the SNAME H-11 Committee, CFD for Marine applications.
2020 Crofton Faculty Fellow for excellence in research, Virginia Tech
2018 Calder Prize for best paper on the subject of high speed crafts published in the Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects
2016 Excellence in Review award from from the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
2012 – 2016, Assistant Director for Research, MIT Sea Grant College Program
2015 Mandel’s Prize for Excellence in Hydrofoil Research, as advisor of the winner Luca Bonfiglio, PhD student
2011 Best Paper Award in the Journal of Ships and Offshore Structure: Brizzolara et al., Comparison of experimental and numerical sloshing loads in partially filled tanks,
2011 – 2012, Peabody Visiting Associate Professor, MIT, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

- (540) 231-7552
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